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The Wild Call of Nature (2020)
A deep-seated confusion guides the lives of domesticated humans, causing a crisis of planetary proportions. With all their fervor and devotion, the forest keepers summon the presence of the Great Mother to assist their human kin.
Under the guidance of a variety of creatures, Artemio embarks on a journey through the uncertain and bewildering paths of the Wild Spirit, putting him face to face with the holy mystery dwelling in the jungles of his own being.
This is my first Fiction book that falls under the category of (eco)magical realism. In the “Wild Call,” I attempt to convey essential ideas that inform my work in a more relatable manner, especially relevant in these times of transformation, collapse, and great creative potentials.

Nuestra vida como Gaia (2019)
La guía actualizada de El Trabajo Que Reconecta
“Nuestra vida como Gaia is the long-awaited Spanish translation of Joanna Macy & Molly Young Brown’s book “Coming Back to Life: The Updated Guide of the Work That Reconnects.”
This expanded and improved edition is a key resource for deep ecology, activism, group work, and eco-spirituality, laying out valuable theoretical and practical resources to empower our service for life on Earth.
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Ancestral Healing: Millenary Legacies in Service of the Soul (2018) (Spanish Edition)
In these times of haste and plastic, of hyperindividualism and consumerism, the song of the soul resounds clear and incorruptible in the depths of our being. At such level where health and disease are engendered, our ancestral legacies are an essential ally in recovering fragments of our humanity lost to repression. This call to the roots, to the depths of soul, invites us to look with new eyes and recognize that this precious life is s gift of our ancestors.
Personal health and fulfilling our personal destity are woven in the transgenerational lattice that sustains us all. Treading the paths of soul vivifies the human experience, leading us to fulfill, in beauty, the ancestral destiny that we always carried within.
“Insightfully piercing the illusory veil of generational forgetfulness rampant in disenchanted reductionist thinking, Adrián poignantly and elegantly resuscitates the indigenous heart. The author weaves this timely offering as a strand of iridescent hope, reconciliation and celebration into the grand tapestry of this holy, wild shapeshifting altar of ever-present Becoming. Seamlessly integral and effortlessly lucid, Sanación ancestral critically synergizes a wide range of disciplines in this bundle of creative medicine and refined beauty.”
Jeff Jenkins, PhD.
Director, Spiritual Ecology Center

Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth: Spirituality in the Planetary Era (2017) (Spanish Edition)
The planetization of humanity and the monumental challenges of the eco-crisis of civilization make of consciousness development a necessity with implications for all beings on Earth.
The spirituality of the planetary era, this historic moment of bright light and unsettling darkness in which the activities of our species are felt by the global ecosystem, invites us with urgency to regain a sense of the sacred in everyday life.
In order to do so it is necessary to connect and activate the heart’s core. It is from such place that old beliefs, habits and customs give way to an interdependent and harmonious relation between humanity, the sacred, and the earth, between spirit and matter. The integration of heaven and earth in the heart begets the true planetary human, and thus the possibility of a viable future for all.
“In the now distant year of 1987, we conducted the first seminar of deep ecology in México with the appearance of Bill Devall, Peter Berg, David Haenke and John Milton, which also led to the first book in Spanish of different authors on the same topic. Thirty years later, I have in my hands the manuscript, Heart of Sky, Heart of the Earth. After having read it in detail, I only have a phrase for the readers: READ IT, it is the best work produced by a Mexican. Expressing a strong appreciation to the author for this profound book that accompanies his work to keep awakening us to the awareness of the OMtakuye oyasin that summarizes his words; we are one with all our relations.”
Coyote Alberto Ruz

Bioalchemy: On the Transformative Belonging of Nature, Humans, and Soul (2015)
Bioalchemy is a personal yet universal exploration informed by the ecological challenges and evolutionary opportunities of our time. Using the alchemical tradition as main inspiration, the book explores the transformative potential of our planetary time by means of cultivating three interrelated dimensions: Self-discovery, reconnection to nature, and sustainable action. These dimensions aid in recognizing the inherent potentials of a life filled with the nourishing presence of soul.
Explores the transformative entwinement of humans and nature.
Praises the depth of the body-mind in allegiance with the natural world.
Healing for nature and humans arises from the recognition of the intermediary realm of soul.
“This is a gem of a book! Like the philosopher’s stone or the vital elixir of the alchemical traditions from which it draws, Bioalchemy can catalyze the reader into a more full and creative participation with the enchanted and living Earth it celebrates. Villasenor-Galarza’s is an insightful and poetic voice in the emerging field of integral ecologies, and Bioalchemy will be well received by those seeking inspiration at the intersections of religion, ecology, and consciousness studies.”
Sean Kelly, PhD.
Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies. Author of Coming Home: Birth and Transformation of the Planetary Era and Becoming Gaia: On the Threshold of Planetary Initiation

The Great Turning: Awakening to Earth’s Blooming (2015) (Spanish Edition)
The Great Turning explores the work of Joanna Macy and collaborators from a “Southern” point of view, both geographically and metaphorically, as it’s lived and applied in Latin America.
The resulting chorus of voices energizes the possibility of a better world, celebrating a much-needed shift in consciousness, creativity, and service on behalf of the Earth community.
The presentation of a theoretical framework that draws from Macy’s Work That Reconnects and an integral-ecological perspective serves as the foundation of the various essays that conform the second half of the book.
“In celebrating the promise of this book, I bow to Adrian Villasenor for his vision and his care in bringing it forth. As activist, teacher, scholar, and healer, he belongs to the Great Turning and lives his life in service to it…May the words and testimonies he has gathered here reach farther yet, flowing out in widening circles.”
Joanna Macy, PhD